Emmaus House



We also thank those who remembered a loved one (listed below) with a memorial. We believe that it is a great compliment to the goodness of the loved one to continue a good work in their name.

Tom Dostal (d. 10/7/10)
Dorothy Dangel
Kathy (d.7/25/88) and Kyle (d. 6/22/03), daughter and grandson of Louise Duve
Joseph Berghoff
John D. Oberschmidt

 On Sept. 22 former guest, Kristina Redburn-Cheney, 35, went home to God.  Kristina was a warm loving person, liked by all, but was overcome by her addiction.  May she rest in peace.

Then in late October, we lost a friend, Jim Lepeak. Jim was a real believer, loved to talk about God, and was noted for sharing his music with any and all. Jim was also known here at Emmaus for giving us a car. Jim gave us the car in late May when he realized he’d no longer be needing it. Jim’s car has been a blessing to us, is used many times every day, and is evidence of Jim’s special goodness. Lord, welcome Jim home, and enjoy his music.

Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things has done, in Whom this world rejoices;
Who from our mothers’ arms has blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.



The name "Emmaus" is from the Bible,
Luke 24:13-34.

   In the Bible,
it designates
the story of Jesus
on the "road to Emmaus", a city.
Our hope is that
our women while here, will meet
Jesus on their journey toward
a better life.


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